Semináře a Workshopy

Workshop je určen pro terapeuty SI a instruktory různých druhů cvičení.


TERMÍN a MĚSTO KONÁNÍ AKCE 27. - 29. září 2024/Varšava
ADRESA Polski Związek Niewidomych, Konwiktorska 9, Varšava



  • Cena pro členy EGSI: € 500
  • Cena pro ostatní: € 650

Informace a přihlášky:

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Workshopy organizuje European Guild of Structural Integration:

Popis workshopu

"The face is just the other side of the neck." Ida P. Rolf
In this workshop we explore the effect of oral, nasal and jaw tensions on the postural organization of the head and neck, as well as on whole-body balance, integration and coordination.

Topics include:

  • The influence of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on the posture of the head.
  • The influence of tongue and upper palate on breathing
  • The effect of breathing patterns on facial structure, head posture and on core support for the spine.

Participants will gain:

  • Improved embodiment of Upper Pole organization
  • Better understanding of the purpose of the 7th Hour.
  • Body reading refinement.
  • Movement and sensory awareness templates for client education.

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Česká asociace strukturální integrace
Máchovy schody 242/5

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